
Hotel business

Increase and guarantee the highest quality in your hotel business with jeCheck

Your customers demand quality of service and services that exceed expectations, and business processes require support. Use jeCheck to create checklists and conduct internal audits.

Choose the right audit service provider and have peace of mind in your daily tasks.

Your service provider

jeCheck offers our users the best in the world of internal audit applications for the hospitality industry.

Improve the quality of service provided through daily checks and large monthly audits. Entrust daily checks to responsible employees, register colleagues' accounts in jeCheck and start the path to ideal service today.

The manager will be able to adjust actions using built-in analytics and inspection reports.

Effective control

Trust your employees to carry out audits with jeCheck. The flexible and simple application does not require specific training or documentation.

Assess the cleaning of premises, the condition of the infrastructure and surrounding areas. Work on customer service and product safety. Carry out daily checks and evaluate the results with jeCheck.

jeCheck for hotels

Cut costs

We make our application free, which means it is available to any enterprise. The absence of tariffs and subscription fees allows you to easily start using electronic audits in your restaurant.


contact us

Ready to answer
your questions

We will be happy to help you use our service. Fill out the form or write to us by email.

Our advantages:
What will happen next?

We will look into your question


We will try to solve the problem


We will answer by email if necessary

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